«Just as there is a wicked zeal of bitterness which distances one from God and leads to hell, so there is a good zeal, which distances one from evil and leads to God and eternal life. It’s in this later (therefore in this good zeal) which monks must foster with ardent love: they prevent each other from seeking honor; (supporting)/enduring with great patience one another’s physical or moral weaknesses; lending themselves to competition in mutual obedience(or compete in obeying each other); no one is to pursue what he judges useful for himself(or no one seeks what he considers best for himself/nobody seeks his advantages), but rather what he (considers)/judges (useful/)better for others; one to loves all of his fellow monks as brothers(or loving each other with brotherly/fraternal love free from any/all selfishness); they fear God in their love; they love their abbot, with sincerity and humble charity; they prefer absolutely nothing (to/)but Christ, who brings us all together to everlasting life. »
(RB Chapter 72 °)
Solemn profession, Kenya
The community of San Giovanni Battista in Rome is pleased to share the joy for the great event yesterday, February 29 in the young community of the monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Kenya for the solemn profession of our sister Sister Scolastica, and the...
(from Monday to Saturday)
- 05:.00 Rising Bell
- 05:20 Office of the Reading
- 06:15 Meditation
- 07:00 Lauds, followed by Holy Mass
- 17:00 Vespers
- 20:30 Compline
The Great Silence follows
Sunday And Solemnity
- 5:30 Rising Bell
- 5:50 Office of the Reading
- 7:30 Lauds
- 10:00 Holy Mass
Every Saturday Holy Community Rosary 20:00
Every 1st Thursday of the month,1hr in turns individual Eucharistic Adoration Day. (if you want to partecipatee contact us
XIII Tempus per annum
Giving to the needy is not just an act of generosity, it is a tangible sign that the thoughts and feelings of Christ have entered the heart of the giver, it is a proof of true faith, it is a manifestation of gratuitous love, it is a proof of faith lived. From the 2....
God’s Ascension 2024
Today's feast reminds us of the extraordinary beauty of God's love and the greatness of having become co-heirs with Christ, so that we too can aspire to Paradise if we remain grafted into the vine of eternal life. From the letter of St Paul the Apostle to the...
On October 7, 2009 Mother Abbess Ildefonsa Paluzzi together with Sister Maria Lucy, a nun originally from Kenya, left Monte Mario to go to Nairobi for foundation.
The Cardinal John Njue made for them available a small house to start as a religious house until the community was able to have its own monastic house. A new adventure thus began from here and after a month’s stay on the spot, Mother Abbess left Sister Maria Lucy as manager to carry out this project.